Wake up Woman.
It’s your Time to Lead.

Empower your vision
14 September 2024
Transformational Leadership Conference
1 Dezember 2024

Why choose me?

o   My coaching goes beyond just technical skills. I emphasize the development of human skills, such as respect, empathy, communication, and self-awareness, ensuring you become a well-rounded leader.

o   With over 20 years of leadership experience and top executive, I have trained countless teams in both technical and human skills, fostering an environment where respect, empowerment and empathy are paramount.

o   My extensive academic background and practical experience in leading and directing numerous teams have equipped me with the knowledge and skills to guide you effectively.

o   My career has been dedicated to understanding human behavior and promoting decision-making with self-respect, ensuring that you not only lead others but also lead yourself first.

o   I offer a tailored coaching experience that focuses on your unique strengths and areas for growth.

o   My coaching principles are built on the belief that effective leadership starts with self-leadership. I help you build the foundation you need to inspire and lead others.

Your Gain!

Confidence and Clarity: You understand your leadership style, work with your strength, gain confidence to lead effectively. 

Enhanced decision making: You learn to make decisions with self-respect and integrity, inspiring people around you!

Why Choose My Workshops?

Whether it's technical training to enhance your team's skill set or sessions focused on improving collaboration and performance, my workshops cover it all. From AI integration and digital transformation to soft skills and team dynamics, I tailor each workshop to meet your specific needs.

What to Expect:

  • Tailored Content: Each workshop is customized to align with your organization's goals and the specific needs of your team.
  • Collaborative Environment: I create a supportive atmosphere that encourages open communication, idea sharing, and teamwork.
  • Actionable Insights: Participants leave with practical strategies and tools that can be immediately applied to their work.

Topics Include:

  • Leadership and Personal Development: Cultivate leadership skills and personal growth to inspire and guide your team effectively.
  • Technical Training: Enhance your team's capabilities with the latest technical knowledge and skills.
  • Collaboration and Team Dynamics: Improve team performance through better collaboration, communication, and understanding.


Let's work together to create a future where your team thrives and excels. Contact me today to schedule your customized workshop experience!

Why Am I Writing This Book?

I have a vision that a peaceful world is possible if women rise to lead. As a sociologist with decades of experience studying human society and leading teams, I am well-qualified. My education includes a PhD from the University of Neuchâtel, a Master's from the University of Lausanne, and studies at the University of Southampton. My work focuses on gender inequalities in education, income, politics, and leadership.

Why Now? The Urgency to Act

In today's unstable world, it's crucial for women to step up and lead towards peace and harmony. This book aims to guide women in creating a collaborative and supportive society.

Women, Wake Up!

Rise to Lead!

Why Choose Me as Your Keynote Speaker?

As a top executive and leader for over twenty years, I bring a wealth of experience and expertise to every keynote address I deliver. Regularly speaking on a wide range of topics, I am adept at inspiring and motivating audiences, fostering collaboration, and engaging deeply with the material to drive future development.

Proven Leadership and Experience

With years of experience at the helm of the Parliament Library, I have honed my skills in guiding teams through complex projects and initiatives. My background ensures that each keynote is grounded in practical, real-world insights that resonate with diverse audiences.

Diverse Range of Topics

From leadership and personal development to AI integration and digital transformation, my keynotes cover a broad spectrum of subjects. Each presentation is tailored to meet your event’s specific needs, ensuring relevance and impact.

Keynote Topics Include

  • Leadership and Personal Development: Cultivate leadership skills and personal growth to inspire and guide effectively.
  • Motivational Speaking: Inspire your audience with powerful messages that resonate and drive action.
  • Technical Training and AI Integration: Enhance capabilities with the latest technical knowledge and skills.
  • Collaboration and Team Dynamics: Improve performance through better collaboration, communication, and understanding.
  • Innovation and Future Trends

Ready to Transform Your Event?

Invest in your event’s success by engaging me as your keynote speaker. I will fill the room with energy, insight, and inspiration, motivating and inspiring people around the globe on empowering topics like leadership, personal development, respect, self-leadership, and more!

Engage me as a speaker for your next event and watch as I fill the room with energy, insight, and inspiration and let's make your event unforgettable and transformative!

Frauen stärken mit KI: Sei dabei in unserem transformativen Workshop!

Bist du bereit, deine Führungskompetenzen auf das nächste Level zu heben und die Kraft der Künstlichen Intelligenz zu nutzen? Unser Workshop „Frauen in Führung stärken mit KI“ vermittelt dir essenzielles Wissen und praxisnahe Tools, um in der technologiegetriebenen Welt erfolgreich zu sein. Egal, ob du deine Karriere vorantreiben oder in eine Führungsrolle wachsen möchtest – dieser Workshop gibt dir das Rüstzeug, um KI gezielt für effizienteres Arbeiten einzusetzen, Chatbots zu verstehen und anzuwenden sowie erste Schritte im Coding von Large Language Models zu machen. Sei dabei und gestalte deine Führungszukunft mit der Unterstützung modernster KI-Technologien!!

Workshop Inhalt

Kursübersicht, wie KI Sie dabei unterstützen kann, Ihre Führungsziele zu erreichen. Dieser Kurs vermittelt Wissen für Ihre zukünftigen Führungsaufgaben und stärkt sowohl Sie als auch Ihr Team.

  1. Einführung in Machine Learning für Frauen (1 Std.)
  • Übersicht zu Machine Learning.
  • Erfolgreiche Frauen mit KI.
  • Einfache Machine Learning Modelle.
  1. KI Assistenten für die tägliche Arbeit (1 Std.)
  • Einführung KI Assistenten.
  • KI Assistenten für die tägliche Arbeit.
  1. Welcher Chatbot unterstützt mich? (1 Std.)
  • Unterschiede und Funktionalitäten.
  • Probiere verschiedene Chatbots und lerne sie kennen.
  1. Kurzeinführung in den Code von Large Language Models (LLM) (1 Std.)
  • Einführung in LLMs und Grundlagen zum Coding.
  • Step-by-step - wie wird ein LLM Projekt geführt.
  1. Frauen und Leadership mit KI (1 Std.)
  • Wie kann KI mich in meinen Führungsaufgaben unterstützen?
  • Strategien um KI Tools effizient für Leadership zu nutzen.
  • Fragen und Networking.

Ziele des Workshops: Am Ende dieses Workshops verfügen Sie über ein grundlegendes Verständnis von Machine Learning und KI, praktische Fähigkeiten im Umgang mit KI-Assistenten und Chatbots, sowie Strategien, um Ihre Führungsrolle mit KI gezielt zu stärken. Werden Sie Teil dieses Workshops und revolutionieren Sie Ihren Führungsstil mit modernsten KI-Tools – für mehr Erfolg und Effizienz!.